Mission: The Creative Foundation for Art & Technology, Inc. aims to reach out to the community to promote and enhance economic, health, and social development while using computer technology to provide Outreach and Inreach vocational art Programs. We plan to provide various opportunities to the disfranchise youths, economic disadvantage creative individuals, and underserved communities, to also artistically and technologically increasing the accessibility of educational and vocational resources at the community level by facilitating mentorship programs involving technology and art.

We are group of creative, IT and technology individuals. Our idea is primarily targeted towards building a formidable foundation for the participants using art & technology as a means of empowering creative art individuals in the state of Georgia with the focus on Fulton County. One of our desired outcomes in our last exhibition program includes empowering the participants to experience the complete art creation and public exhibition process. The exhibition completes the process of allowing the participants to install their art pieces within an art gallery. There is an internal joy for people to allow others to see their work and know that they appreciate and enjoy their displayed art pieces. The goal is to use this opportunity to engage both the audience and the participants in a creative process. We believe this helps the participants to see the future and ignite the “Creator” within.

We always aim to deliver a program of exceptional standard by hiring highly qualified professional artists and administrators who have been involved in similar projects and can provide proven track records. We also use new media technologies in aiding our work and presentations to the public.

Please email us at adminCentral@cffatech.org